
Add a footnote to a chart in a Word document with PHPdocx

  • Jun 06, 2011

This information is outdated, please, refer to the addFootnote and addText documentation for up to date info.
In you want to add a chart (pie, bars) in PHPdocx is easy.
There are several blog posts with examples on how to add a chart to a Word document with PHPDocX: How to include a chart in a Word template with PHPDocX, Creating a 3D pie chart with PHPdocx or Creating a bar chart in a docx document with PHPDocX.
In this blog entry we cover, with the following sample code, the case in which you also want to add an explanatory footnote to the chart:

require_once '../../classes/';

$docx = new CreateDocx();

$text = 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, ' .
'sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua:';

$paramsText = array(
'font' => 'Arial'

$docx->addText($text, $paramsText);

$legends = array(
'legend1' => array(24),
'legend2' => array(45),
'legend3' => array(31)
$args = array(
'data' => $legends,
'type' => 'pie3DChart',
'title' => 'Title first chart',
'cornerX' => 20, 'cornerY' => 20, 'cornerP' => 30,
'color' => 2,
'textWrap' => 0,
'sizeX' => 10, 'sizeY' => 10,
'jc' => 'left',
'showPercent' => 1,
'font' => 'Times New Roman',
'border' => 1

'textDocument' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet',
'textEndNote' => 'Curabitur id dui purus, sit amet blandit lacus. ' .
'Vivamus mollis magna et risus molestie blandit. ' .
'Phasellus vel tortor quis metus consectetur.'


$text = 'Cras eget porttitor sapien. Aenean tristique, nibh quis egestas ' .
'varius, erat neque sodales neque, quis bibendum sem lorem accumsan ' .
'mauris. Aliquam justo justo, vulputate sed condimentum non, pharetra:';

$paramsText = array(
'font' => 'Arial'

$docx->addText($text, $paramsText);

$paramsImg = array(
'name' => '../files/img/image.png',
'scaling' => 75,
'textWrap' => 0,
'border' => 1,


'textDocument' => 'Aenean non gravida sapien',
'textEndNote' => 'Nunc pretium bibendum dui id laoreet. Nunc ' .
'venenatis. Duis quis lorem vel dui tincidunt ' .
'pellentesque quis sed diam.'
