
phpdocx v9.5 release notes

  • Oct 01, 2019

We are glad to announce that phpdocx 9.5 is available now for download. This version includes more than 50 new features and characteristics, prepared to help you create powerful documents and to boost your business.

This is the complete list of phpdocx 9.5 features:

  • Theme charts with addChart: set custom chart colors for series and values, add background colors to charts, plot and legend areas, rotate text contents in vertical and horizontal axis, style (bold, italic, size, underline) vertical and horizontal axis (Premium licenses only).
  • DOCXPath supports headers and footers: insertWordFragment (insert contents), removeWordContent (delete existing contents), replaceWordContent (replace contents for WordFragments) and getDOCXPathQueryInfo, based on contents, sections, types and positions. All these methods are compatible with new documents and templates and simplify low level document edition (Advanced and Premium licenses only).
  • New method to merge documents at any position of the first DOCX merged: mergeDocxAt (Advanced and Premium licenses only).
  • HTML extended: new data- attributes to set custom styles in HTML tags not supported by standard HTML tags and CSS styles, added support for modifyPageLayout as HTML tag, getTagsInline and getTagsBlock as static methods (Premium licenses only).
  • Many improvements when working with importListStyle using multiple styles and sources.
  • PHP 7.4 support.
  • DOCX merging allows returning in-memory DOCX (Premium licenses only).
  • DOCX merging supports commentExtended contents (Advanced and Premium licenses only).
  • DOCXCustomizer supports headers and footers (Premium licenses only).
  • Improved numberings in paragraph styles: parseStyles and mergeDocx support.
  • getWordContents supports headers and footers (Advanced and Premium licenses only).
  • List improvements: addList and createListStyle support overwriting styles in level lists.
  • New method to import chart styles (colors and style XML files): importChartStyle (Premium licenses only).
  • addChart allows setting custom legends when adding a scatter chart. Default value is 'Y values'.
  • addShape supports adding text contents in shapes.
  • HTML to DOCX: table cell margins using padding-left and padding-right styles, apply run-of-text styles to checkboxes and radio buttons, font-weight supports 700, 800 and 900 as bold values, custom character styles support in span tags, supported text-align in run-of-text styles.
  • DOCX to HTML: image alignment when setting a wrapper paragraph align, the default conversion plugin normalize decimal values to force using dots in decimal values, handled underline style as none when no val is set, added support when mixing bold styles in paragraph and run-of-text styles, handle TOC anchors, added addDefaultStyles as option to manage if the default styles from the DOCX are added, default styles are applied to block tags and span tags, numbering transformations improved to support numberings such as 1.1 1.2... and numbering in custom paragraph styles, support for w:tab as  , new option includeBlankSpacesInEmptyParagraphs to add blank spaces in empty paragraphs, improved importing tables with multiple colspan values.
  • DOCX to PDF native method: default styles support, image alignment when setting a wrapper paragraph align, the default conversion plugin normalize decimal values to force using dots in decimal values, handled underline style as none when no val is set, added support when mixing bold styles in paragraph and run-of-text styles, removed PHP notices when calling external CSS classes, numbering transformations improved to support numberings such as 1.1 1.2... and numbering in custom paragraph styles, improved importing tables with multiple colspan values.
  • watermarkDOCX now accepts adding watermarks per section (Advanced and Premium licenses only) and supports in-memory DOCX documents (Premium licenses only).
  • New option in the createParagraphStyle method to add numbering styles to custom paragraph styles: numberingStyle.
  • Support for adding page numbering as inline WordFragment.
  • docxSettings includes a new option to remove the compatibility mode Word message and add compatibility setting tags: compat.
  • replaceWordContent allows setting location values: after (default), before, inlineBefore or inlineAfter (don't create a new w:p and add the WordFragment before or after the referenceNode, only inline elements).
  • Removed the path option in parseStyles.
  • Cleaned PHP notices.
  • Updated the included file Test.mht.

To phpdocx 9.5 simply go to Pricing, choose the license that best suits your project and finish the process.

To upgrade to this version, go to MY PHPDOCX and click UPGRADE TO on the license(s) you want.

Users with a valid License Update Service (LUS) can download phpdocx 9.5 for free.

We hope you enjoy this new version and get the most of it.