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Issue in getting started
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Posted by ahsunali  · 27-08-2012 - 05:08

Hi every one,

I have downloaded and install the free version of code. I am using it for simple Helo word file, with the following code .
$docx = new CreateDocx();
$docx->addText("Hello world!");

WHen the addText method called , It gives error on line 123 of file and script stop. The error is . "Uninitiallize String Offset 0 at Line 123 of"

Kindly help me to get red of it.

Posted by admin  · 11-04-2013 - 12:13


That not seems an error but a notice. Please check your PHP config and run phpdocx using CLI (command line interface) to get more info.


Posted by ahsunali  · 11-04-2013 - 12:13

THanks for your reply.

Yes, you ar right its the Notice.
The problem I am facing is I call to generate a report through AJAX call. Its does not ignore the Notice, however it shows it on a Javascript alert window. and after that php stop executing the further script.

If you need further explanation let me know.

Posted by ahsunali  · 11-04-2013 - 12:13

The problem is now resolved.


Posted by mzea  · 28-03-2014 - 16:56

Hi, i have the same problem... the solution is....???????

I need help


Posted by jorgelj  · 31-03-2014 - 09:17


You can hide notices in the php.ini or using the error_reporting function:
