
Replies: 7   Views: 1950
Generate warning when call replacevariablebyhtml function
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Posted by vikas1324  · 28-01-2020 - 10:49

Hello, I am testing replaceVariableByHTML method in various way. but following html string give me warning 

<p>Le site &eacute;tudi&eacute; est localis&eacute; sur la(les) commune(s) suivante(s)<span style="color:#1abc9c">Les coordonn&eacute;es du site (Lambert 93) sont approximativement les suivantes :</span></p>

      Please let me know what is the issue.

Posted by admin  · 28-01-2020 - 10:51


What license and version of phpdocx are you using?

What warning do you get when trying to transform that HTML? We have tested it and it's transformed perfectly.


Posted by vikas1324  · 28-01-2020 - 11:00

Now i am only testing in trial version before i will make sure phpdocx satisfied with our requerement then we will purchesed . 

 I got the following warning

Warning: DOMDocument::loadXML(): Opening and ending tag mismatch: tc line 2 and p in Entity, line: 2 in C:\wamp64\www\historic_study\classes\AutoLoader.php(48) : eval()'d code on line 1994  .

Is it resolvable?

Posted by admin  · 28-01-2020 - 11:26


The trial package has some limitations, we recommend you to wrap all text contents using span tags:

<p><span>Le site &eacute;tudi&eacute; est localis&eacute; sur la(les) commune(s) suivante(s)</span><span style="color:#1abc9c">Les coordonn&eacute;es du site (Lambert 93) sont approximativement les suivantes :</span></p>

Paid versions don't have this and other limitations.


Posted by vikas1324  · 28-01-2020 - 12:31

No sir i can't wrap this html string because this string is genereted from CK Editor.

Posted by admin  · 28-01-2020 - 12:48


Then you need to use a paid license. The trial needs wrapping those contents using span tags.


Posted by vikas1324  · 28-01-2020 - 14:02

Hello, Is it rectified after paid? because we will make sure before purchase. our team discused on this. After resolving all issue we will  buy premium package .

Posted by admin  · 28-01-2020 - 14:39


Yes, we guarantee that this limitation is only in the trial package; paid licenses don't have this limitation.
