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Topics: 70   Posts: 205
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Closed Signpdf - Signature Information
Posted by KaiVoigt · 23-05-2024 - 08:44
1191Posted by admin
23-05-2024 - 08:48
Closed How To Add Exportformfields Whne Converting To Pdf Using Libreoffice
Posted by rabol · 30-01-2024 - 06:21
5372Posted by admin
11-02-2024 - 09:25
Closed Please Add Ltv
Posted by rabol · 28-01-2024 - 06:57
1243Posted by admin
28-01-2024 - 09:26
Closed Create A Private Satis Repository For Composer Integration
Posted by crewscontrol · 18-12-2023 - 15:29
1308Posted by admin
18-12-2023 - 15:35
Closed Docxutilities Replacechartdata
Posted by bkidd · 17-06-2020 - 12:22
12598Posted by admin
17-06-2020 - 12:23
Closed Add Image Alt Text In The Indexer Getoutput() Return Value
Posted by bkidd · 03-06-2020 - 00:02
11762Posted by admin
03-06-2020 - 06:44
Closed Pre-Processed Documents Available In Examples
Posted by bkidd · 04-05-2020 - 12:47
11874Posted by admin
04-05-2020 - 13:34
Closed Handle Other Xml Namespaces
Posted by Aldryss · 18-03-2020 - 09:22
52249Posted by admin
19-03-2020 - 17:28
Closed Unify Path Before Exploding In Createdocxanddownload
Posted by andrebernemann · 19-11-2019 - 15:31
12256Posted by admin
20-11-2019 - 07:18
Closed Value Attribute For Ordered List Item Numbering.
Posted by macwong · 15-07-2019 - 15:17
22462Posted by macwong
19-07-2019 - 16:40
Closed Line Spacing When Inserting A List Of Html Using A Template
Posted by neu_katayama · 17-06-2019 - 01:14
02339Posted by neu_katayama
17-06-2019 - 01:14
Closed Suggestions For Scatterchart. One For Bug Correction And One For Improvement
Posted by jari.heinonen · 04-05-2019 - 06:24
12407Posted by admin
05-05-2019 - 11:55
Closed Samples > Make Templates Available
Posted by sam3d · 19-12-2017 - 15:35
13463Posted by admin
20-12-2017 - 09:08
Closed Embedhtml With 'wordstyles' Option: Only Apply Word Style, And Not Mix Html+Word
Posted by FGI · 18-10-2017 - 09:14
13548Posted by admin
19-10-2017 - 06:05
Closed Addproperties() - Lastmodifiedby
Posted by FGI · 13-10-2017 - 08:56
13201Posted by admin
13-10-2017 - 09:47
Closed Html I Tag Integration
Posted by magira · 28-03-2017 - 07:06
13674Posted by admin
28-03-2017 - 07:37
Closed Search Bookmark From The Template
Posted by swatir · 14-09-2016 - 07:02
45274Posted by admin
20-09-2016 - 13:41
Closed Remove Section /protect Section From The Template
Posted by swatir · 14-09-2016 - 10:31
33986Posted by admin
16-09-2016 - 06:13
Closed Searchandhighlight But Only Change Text Color
Posted by efinfo · 07-09-2016 - 18:46
24162Posted by admin
08-09-2016 - 07:30
Closed Convert Doc To Docx
Posted by hhwebteam · 05-08-2016 - 10:38
24249Posted by hhwebteam
08-08-2016 - 08:26
Closed Installation Instructions
Posted by abel406 · 08-07-2016 - 20:50
04003Posted by abel406
08-07-2016 - 20:50
Closed Forum Suggestion
Posted by AndrewCooper · 10-06-2016 - 10:01
04086Posted by AndrewCooper
10-06-2016 - 10:01
Closed Variable2Text Improvement
Posted by lharkleroad · 17-03-2016 - 21:29
14779Posted by admin
18-03-2016 - 07:37
Closed Phpdocx Vs Docusuit
Posted by mymoney · 19-02-2016 - 08:13
14696Posted by mymoney
19-02-2016 - 08:13
Closed Dynamic Fields With Default Docx Template
Posted by isfor · 15-02-2016 - 15:54
106998Posted by admin
17-02-2016 - 13:27
Closed Replacevariablebywordfragment
Posted by isfor · 16-02-2016 - 09:39
14519Posted by isfor
16-02-2016 - 09:39
Closed Seemingly Incorrect Example For Addtext
Posted by account33640 · 02-02-2016 - 01:14
14607Posted by account33640
02-02-2016 - 01:14
Closed Please Fix 'parselinebreaks' Option
Posted by fantasma · 06-11-2014 - 15:46
108686Posted by admin
26-01-2016 - 12:16
Closed Word Compatible Image Captions?
Posted by nicks · 06-11-2015 - 14:53
04659Posted by nicks
06-11-2015 - 14:53
Closed Trial Version Of Enterprise Edition
Posted by sachin.p · 16-09-2015 - 12:52
14797Posted by admin
16-09-2015 - 13:36
Closed Possible To Know If The Current Page Is Odd Or Even?
Posted by seb · 20-08-2015 - 09:46
14609Posted by admin
20-08-2015 - 09:52
Closed Use Other Wingdings Symbol
Posted by rcelle · 23-09-2013 - 13:54
26223Posted by admin
29-06-2015 - 08:51
Closed Duplicate Blocks
Posted by benoit · 03-06-2015 - 08:24
35398Posted by admin
03-06-2015 - 11:22
Closed Does Phpdocx ?
Posted by DeveloperOneX · 18-04-2015 - 12:06
35563Posted by admin
20-04-2015 - 12:13
Closed Needs To Set Alternate Text In Addimage
Posted by bas van beek · 23-02-2015 - 15:09
15509Posted by admin
23-02-2015 - 15:50
Closed Need Your Help For Graph & Image.
Posted by labuser · 12-02-2015 - 10:53
15233Posted by admin
12-02-2015 - 11:56
Closed Need Textbox Help
Posted by labuser · 19-01-2015 - 06:24
15308Posted by admin
19-01-2015 - 08:39
Closed Accept Form Intergration
Posted by englep10 · 12-09-2014 - 13:39
15717Posted by jorge
15-09-2014 - 06:35
Closed Addchart, Swaping A Graphs Axis
Posted by msaunders · 27-06-2014 - 14:42
16082Posted by msaunders
27-06-2014 - 15:04
Closed Addtemplatevariable & 'table' With Line Breaks In Table Cells
Posted by falcana-blocked · 08-01-2014 - 16:55
86930Posted by admin-phpdocx
11-02-2014 - 15:39
Closed Multiple Tables In Document
Posted by LuckyObserver · 04-02-2014 - 16:37
25889Posted by jorgelj
05-02-2014 - 11:07
Closed Mark Entry/citation
Posted by Cyber-NY · 10-10-2013 - 18:57
45633Posted by jorgelj
21-10-2013 - 10:32
Closed Border Radius
Posted by Ecorce · 20-09-2013 - 08:49
65980Posted by admin-phpdocx
01-10-2013 - 16:37
Closed Wordpress
Posted by champton · 11-09-2013 - 19:44
25768Posted by jorgelj
18-09-2013 - 10:00