
Draw lines with PHPdocx 2.3

  • Jun 06, 2011

This information is outdated, please, refer to the adShape documentation for up to date info. Do you need to draw a line into your Word document? You can easily do it witf PHPDocX using this code:...

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Creating a bar chart in a docx document with PHPDocX

  • Jun 06, 2011

Creating a Bar Chart is easy: you just have to pass as parameters to the addChart the data array, the type as 'colChart' as well as some additional formating data. Sample code: require_once '.....

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Adding checkboxes to a docx document with PHPDocX

  • Jun 06, 2011

Warning This post is outdated. For up date information about please refer to the documentation. The addTemplateCheckbox method has been deprecated. If you want to add a checkbox to...

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Replacing images in a Word template with PHPdocx

  • Jun 06, 2011

This information is outdated, please, refer to the addTemplateImage method documentation for up to date info. You may create a template with placeholder images that may be later replaced by other one...

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Insert an external Word document into your Word template

  • Jun 06, 2011

You may replace a single template variable within your Word template by the contents of a full docx document with just one single line of code and the help of the addTemplatevariable method:...

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