
Creating a 3D pie chart with PHPDocX

  • Jun 06, 2011

Creating a Pie Chart is easy: you just have to pass as parameters a data array, the type (pie3DChart for this particular example) and some additional formatting info (like size, alignment, ...). Sam...

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Adding HTML to a docx document using PHPDocX

  • Jun 06, 2011

If you want to find more detailed info about the different posible ways to add HTML to your Word document, please, refer to the HTML to Word section of our API documentation. If you need to embed som...

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Adding a section to a docx document with PHPDocX

  • Jun 06, 2011

This information is outdated, please, refer to the addSection documentation for up to date info. Creating a section with PHPdocx is now very easy. You may just use the code below with the obvious m...

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Getting the PHPDocX template variables from a Word template

  • Jun 06, 2011

When using a Word template in PHPDocX you may need at certain point to get a list of all its placeholder variables. You can recover, with the help of the getTemplateVariables method, all template va...

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Replacing variables in a PHPdocx Template

  • Jun 06, 2011

Warning This post is outdated. For up date information about please refer to the documentation. You can create Word templates with placeholder variables that will be replace later b...

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