
Converting to .doc file using PHPdocx on Linux and Mac OS X

  • Aug 16, 2010

This information is outdated, please, refer to the PHPDocX Conversion plugin documentation for up to date info. If you install PHPdocX in Mac OS X Server (10.4 or above) you could easily convert the...

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PHPDocx Pro and subdomains

  • Jul 30, 2010

The PRO and PRO+ licenses are only valid for a given subdomain, so when you buy a license for any of these two packages you should give the whole subdomain.domain (for example,

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Learn how to add format to text on PHPdocX 1.5 Pro

  • Jul 12, 2010

This information is outdated, please, refer to the addText method documentation for up to date info.

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Creating headers in PHPdocX

  • Jul 12, 2010

This information is outdated, please, refer to the PHPDocX Tutorial for up to date info.

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PHPDocX: First Steps

  • Jul 12, 2010

This information is outdated, please, refer to the PHPDocX Tutorial for up to date info.

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