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How to selectively add to multimerge
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Posted by admin  · 30-10-2020 - 09:34


Using a Premium license, mergeDocx allows DOCX files and DOCXStructure objects as inputs, and the first parameter is always a single document (file or DOCXStructure) and the second parameter is an array of the documents to be merge (file or DOCXStructure).

This is the signature:

public function mergeDocx($firstDocument, $documentArray, $finalDocument, $options)

You can generate an array of the DOCX to be merged (Advanced licenses can't use in-memory DOCX, only Premium licenses):

require_once 'classes/MultiMerge.php';

// enable in-memory DOCX
CreateDocx::$returnDocxStructure = true;

// first document
$docx_a = new CreateDocx();

$text = 'Text 1';
$paragraphOptions = array('bold' => true, 'font' => 'Arial');
$docx_a->addText($text, $paragraphOptions);

$document1 = $docx_a->createDocx();

// second document
$docx_b = new CreateDocx();

$text = 'Text 2';
$paragraphOptions = array('font' => 'Arial');
$docx_b->addText($text, $paragraphOptions);

$document2 = $docx_b->createDocx();

// third document
$docx_c = new CreateDocx();

$text = 'Text 3';

$document3 = $docx_c->createDocx();

// array of the DOCX to be merged
$array_docx = array();
array_push($array_docx, $document2);
array_push($array_docx, $document3);

// disable in-memory DOCX
CreateDocx::$returnDocxStructure = false;

$merge = new MultiMerge();
$merge->mergeDocx($document1, $array_docx, 'output.docx', array());

Or, maybe this is is the easiest solution for your case, you can call mergeDocx for each DOCX to be merged:

require_once 'classes/MultiMerge.php';

// enable in-memory DOCX
CreateDocx::$returnDocxStructure = true;

$merge = new MultiMerge();
// first document
$docx_a = new CreateDocx();

$text = 'Text 1';
$paragraphOptions = array('bold' => true, 'font' => 'Arial');
$docx_a->addText($text, $paragraphOptions);

$document1 = $docx_a->createDocx();

// second document
$docx_b = new CreateDocx();

$text = 'Text 2';
$paragraphOptions = array('font' => 'Arial');
$docx_b->addText($text, $paragraphOptions);

$document2 = $docx_b->createDocx();

$document1 = $merge->mergeDocx($document1, array($document2), null, array());

// third document
$docx_c = new CreateDocx();

$text = 'Text 3';

$document3 = $docx_c->createDocx();

$document1 = $merge->mergeDocx($document1, array($document3), null, array());

// disable in-memory DOCX
CreateDocx::$returnDocxStructure = false;


In both cases you'll get the same output, but maybe the second approach is the easiest one as you can merge DOCX when needed instead of creating a temp array.
