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Topics: 2011   Posts: 7326
TopicRepliesViewsLast Post
Closed Justify Contents With "replacevariablebyhtml"
Posted by Dale.Cooper · 02-02-2024 - 16:34
1220Posted by admin
02-02-2024 - 17:23
Closed Return A Docx As A Stream
Posted by khalid-s · 01-02-2024 - 22:29
4307Posted by admin
02-02-2024 - 11:16
Closed Add A Word Fragment At The Bottom Of A Page.
Posted by fur99qan · 31-01-2024 - 06:06
1226Posted by admin
31-01-2024 - 08:19
Closed Detect And Remove Form Fields
Posted by rabol · 28-01-2024 - 05:42
1210Posted by admin
28-01-2024 - 08:32
Closed Tcpdi - I Am Having Issues On Placing Signature Image On Specific Coordinates
Posted by tarekas · 26-01-2024 - 13:52
3280Posted by admin
27-01-2024 - 09:14
Closed .htaccess And Images
Posted by apack · 23-01-2024 - 00:10
1224Posted by admin
23-01-2024 - 07:39
Closed Adding Emojis To Docx Document
Posted by Exorion · 19-01-2024 - 08:35
1227Posted by admin
19-01-2024 - 09:30
Closed Is It Possible To Inject The Number Of Pages And Page Number With Embedhtml
Posted by · 12-01-2024 - 21:32
3252Posted by admin
14-01-2024 - 08:40
Closed How Can I Set A Table Column Or Table Cell To Align The Text To The Right
Posted by crewscontrol · 30-12-2023 - 16:53
2265Posted by admin
30-12-2023 - 17:07
Closed Checkbox Background Color And Tickmarks
Posted by gtassinari · 29-12-2023 - 01:32
1238Posted by admin
29-12-2023 - 09:33
Closed How To Use Replacevariablebytext
Posted by jonjie · 22-12-2023 - 08:49
1240Posted by admin
22-12-2023 - 09:00
Closed How To Use Google Cloud Storage To Save The Document Instead Of Saving It Locally
Posted by jonjie · 20-12-2023 - 06:36
5249Posted by admin
21-12-2023 - 18:15
Closed Other Means To Instantiate A Template Other Than From A Path
Posted by crewscontrol · 20-12-2023 - 22:33
2228Posted by crewscontrol
21-12-2023 - 13:12
Closed How Do I Check If A Block Has Variables?
Posted by crewscontrol · 19-12-2023 - 15:45
2238Posted by crewscontrol
19-12-2023 - 20:36
Closed Createdocxfromtemplate Error : Getelementsbytagname()
Posted by ordersvrc · 18-12-2023 - 01:00
2248Posted by admin
18-12-2023 - 05:58
Closed Error Al Cargar Clases Con Un Autoloader
Posted by rmartinez · 27-11-2023 - 08:37
2309Posted by rmartinez
27-11-2023 - 09:50
Closed Adding Lists Using Cloneblock
Posted by uncontested · 23-11-2023 - 01:35
2263Posted by uncontested
23-11-2023 - 16:22
Closed Importcontents Only For Body, Not For Header/footer
Posted by dan_brokerbusiness · 09-11-2023 - 16:52
5350Posted by admin
10-11-2023 - 06:10
Closed Easiest Way To Use A Document As Empty Template
Posted by dan_brokerbusiness · 09-11-2023 - 16:26
0251Posted by dan_brokerbusiness
09-11-2023 - 16:26
Closed Using Wordfragment And Addformelement With Addtable
Posted by tjchen · 07-11-2023 - 09:52
2305Posted by tjchen
08-11-2023 - 06:18
Closed Widowcontrol In Combination With Html Inserted Text
Posted by Dale.Cooper · 19-10-2023 - 13:09
6349Posted by Dale.Cooper
20-10-2023 - 10:14
Closed Public Function Getwordcontents (Array $Referencenode)
Posted by gilggg · 17-10-2023 - 07:59
2308Posted by gilggg
17-10-2023 - 13:04
Closed Inserting Label Alongside Form Element
Posted by jennygj · 12-10-2023 - 14:54
1317Posted by admin
12-10-2023 - 15:44
Closed Inserting Image Does Not Fail But There Is No Image In The Document
Posted by rabol · 09-10-2023 - 17:58
1291Posted by admin
09-10-2023 - 18:48
Closed Dynamic Images In The Table
Posted by vitorsantosinfo · 14-09-2023 - 11:54
1332Posted by admin
14-09-2023 - 12:07
Closed Creating A Bar Chart
Posted by fiwoyax200 · 07-09-2023 - 09:59
1343Posted by admin
07-09-2023 - 10:27
Closed Cloneblocks And Loops
Posted by gtassinari · 07-09-2023 - 02:18
1341Posted by admin
07-09-2023 - 08:11
Closed How To Insert A Page Break After Every Cloned Blocked
Posted by fiwoyax200 · 06-09-2023 - 11:26
5343Posted by admin
06-09-2023 - 16:24
Closed Page-Of Generating Output Twice In Footer As Inline Content
Posted by robbed · 05-09-2023 - 21:40
2331Posted by robbed
06-09-2023 - 14:47
Closed Place The Signature Field At The Left Bottom And Add A Text Instead Of A Image
Posted by rabol · 05-09-2023 - 12:42
3324Posted by rabol
05-09-2023 - 20:31
Closed Repeat Cell Bigger Than 1 Page
Posted by victorazv · 29-08-2023 - 14:13
5358Posted by admin
29-08-2023 - 15:06
Closed Styling The Numbers Or Bullets On A List
Posted by jennygj · 21-08-2023 - 13:04
1351Posted by admin
21-08-2023 - 13:38
Closed Custom List Style & Bold Using Html Extended With Stylesreplacementtype
Posted by tangamampilia · 16-08-2023 - 17:22
4367Posted by uncontested
20-08-2023 - 19:38
Closed Tabs In Replacevariablebyhtml
Posted by tangamampilia · 16-08-2023 - 18:57
3330Posted by uncontested
18-08-2023 - 20:07
Closed How To Read Blocks From A First Template And To Insert Them When Needed In New Doc
Posted by dremoussenard · 03-08-2023 - 15:46
4421Posted by dremoussenard
03-08-2023 - 21:13
Closed Block Inside Of A Variable
Posted by uncontested · 21-07-2023 - 03:53
3372Posted by admin
22-07-2023 - 10:23
Closed How To Add New Page And Insert Image
Posted by rabol · 13-07-2023 - 07:15
2366Posted by admin
13-07-2023 - 21:21
Closed Template With Fixed Height Table Rows
Posted by appstation · 30-06-2023 - 14:06
3415Posted by admin
30-06-2023 - 16:41
Closed Multimerge Links
Posted by KaiVoigt · 27-06-2023 - 11:03
1381Posted by admin
27-06-2023 - 19:13
Closed How To Update From Phpdocx 11 To 14
Posted by netsolution · 24-06-2023 - 10:16
1365Posted by admin
24-06-2023 - 10:47
Closed How To Replace The Text In Word Bookmarks?
Posted by rujd · 22-06-2023 - 07:19
3415Posted by admin
22-06-2023 - 11:25
Closed Search And Replace With Array
Posted by ordersvrc · 20-06-2023 - 18:59
1390Posted by admin
20-06-2023 - 19:53
Closed How Can I Fill Certain Columns Of A Table?
Posted by phosira · 13-06-2023 - 00:29
1407Posted by admin
13-06-2023 - 05:14
Closed How To Have Different Values In Phpdocxconfig.ini
Posted by rabol · 09-06-2023 - 10:19
1374Posted by admin
09-06-2023 - 11:54
Closed Use Pdf Files As Templates
Posted by ascendware · 01-06-2023 - 18:16
0400Posted by ascendware
01-06-2023 - 18:16