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Topics: 2019   Posts: 7358
TopicRepliesViewsLast Post
Closed Unable To Do Mergedocx As Classes/multimerge.php Not Included In Zip Folder
Posted by RealTechs · 25-11-2022 - 09:09
1553Posted by admin
25-11-2022 - 10:08
Closed How Do I Loop To Create A Table With Multiple Value
Posted by ElodieMllr · 23-11-2022 - 09:22
1697Posted by admin
23-11-2022 - 09:32
Closed Addtext Option 'pagebreakbefore'
Posted by phosira · 17-11-2022 - 09:53
2575Posted by phosira
18-11-2022 - 02:02
Closed Searchandreplace Only Firstmatch
Posted by phosira · 27-10-2022 - 12:41
5614Posted by Almaza211
17-11-2022 - 11:54
Closed Get <W:lastrenderedpagebreak/>, <W:tab/>,<W:t Xml:space="preserve">
Posted by phosira · 16-11-2022 - 10:28
6613Posted by phosira
17-11-2022 - 09:50
Closed Image Url Also Getting Printed In .docx File
Posted by RealTechs · 03-11-2022 - 18:00
3621Posted by admin
05-11-2022 - 09:27
Closed Set Normal Margins
Posted by phosira · 03-11-2022 - 10:22
1602Posted by admin
03-11-2022 - 10:45
Closed Set Caption Style For Tables And Images
Posted by ed.goode · 01-11-2022 - 21:16
3623Posted by admin
03-11-2022 - 06:25
Closed Get Style From A Document And Set Style Other
Posted by phosira · 02-11-2022 - 09:46
3636Posted by admin
02-11-2022 - 11:35
Closed Make 3 Templates In 1 File
Posted by Exorion · 15-10-2022 - 12:00
2589Posted by peteruser1
29-10-2022 - 16:39
Closed How Can I Insert A Checkbox Into A Table?
Posted by phosira · 16-10-2022 - 10:12
6614Posted by peteruser1
29-10-2022 - 16:38
Closed How Do Apply Styles To Converted Mathml (Via Embedhtml)
Posted by rjharrison · 18-10-2022 - 11:34
2636Posted by peteruser1
29-10-2022 - 16:38
Closed Customizewordcontent + Embedhtml
Posted by rjharrison · 18-10-2022 - 14:07
4618Posted by peteruser1
29-10-2022 - 16:37
Closed Warning Ini File
Posted by · 23-10-2022 - 07:11
4630Posted by peteruser1
29-10-2022 - 16:37
Closed Importing Html With More Than 10 Mathml/equation Equations
Posted by rjharrison · 24-10-2022 - 16:28
2605Posted by peteruser1
29-10-2022 - 16:37
Closed Add Headings (Titles In Html) In Word Document Keeping Document Styles For These Titles ?
Posted by grizzlydev · 26-10-2022 - 13:33
2604Posted by peteruser1
29-10-2022 - 16:36
Closed Eliminar Ceros En Gráfica
Posted by rmartinez · 21-10-2022 - 12:12
11698Posted by peteruser1
29-10-2022 - 16:36
Closed El Método Clearblocks No Limpia Las Variables No Utilizadas
Posted by rmartinez · 27-10-2022 - 10:29
5571Posted by peteruser1
29-10-2022 - 16:36
Closed Table Cell Spacing Adding Empty Cells
Posted by websurfermedia · 13-10-2022 - 05:12
3599Posted by websurfermedia
13-10-2022 - 22:24
Closed Docx Rtl Generation From File Template
Posted by s.montanarella · 06-10-2022 - 13:20
2637Posted by s.montanarella
07-10-2022 - 09:11
Closed Checkbox Funcional
Posted by rmartinez · 27-09-2022 - 10:45
5686Posted by admin
27-09-2022 - 12:01
Closed Add Header And Footer From Html
Posted by pedern · 27-09-2022 - 08:12
2866Posted by pedern
27-09-2022 - 08:43
Closed Using Gettemplatevariables With ##
Posted by websurfermedia · 23-09-2022 - 02:05
2631Posted by websurfermedia
26-09-2022 - 01:57
Closed Modify Imported Style On The Fly
Posted by dan_brokerbusiness · 24-09-2022 - 02:40
1713Posted by admin
24-09-2022 - 08:42
Closed Replacevariablebywordfragment Multiline
Posted by apalou · 19-09-2022 - 17:12
1589Posted by admin
19-09-2022 - 17:49
Closed How I Am Give The Background To Header Please Share Code
Posted by keyhiresworld · 12-09-2022 - 13:04
1639Posted by admin
12-09-2022 - 13:26
Closed How Do I Change Style Inside The List?
Posted by martinsimmermann · 09-09-2022 - 07:49
1612Posted by admin
09-09-2022 - 08:25
Closed Is It Possible To Use Content Control Images?
Posted by kronholm · 01-09-2022 - 12:06
4628Posted by kronholm
02-09-2022 - 09:41
Closed Caption Position For Images And Tables
Posted by ed.goode · 01-09-2022 - 04:34
5636Posted by admin
02-09-2022 - 07:51
Closed How To Get A List Of Inputfields, Similar To Gettemplatevariables()?
Posted by kronholm · 01-09-2022 - 10:41
2647Posted by kronholm
01-09-2022 - 11:23
Closed Transform Document To Pdf
Posted by calcina · 28-08-2022 - 15:34
7762Posted by calcina
30-08-2022 - 22:14
Closed Get Header/footer Content As Plain Text
Posted by bilalhh86 · 26-08-2022 - 06:18
3616Posted by admin
26-08-2022 - 12:20
Closed Bullet Points Find And Replace
Posted by usman-mani6 · 15-08-2022 - 09:05
3680Posted by admin
15-08-2022 - 11:54
Closed How Can I Delete A Last Blank Page In Docx Or Pdf?
Posted by axiante · 09-08-2022 - 14:58
11023Posted by admin
09-08-2022 - 16:00
Closed How Can I Transform Word To Html From Internal To Inline Style ?
Posted by poominb · 20-07-2022 - 14:19
2820Posted by poominb
20-07-2022 - 14:54
Closed Eliminando Secciones Y Descargando El Documento Resultante
Posted by rmartinez · 20-07-2022 - 08:13
3642Posted by admin
20-07-2022 - 08:59
Closed How Can I Detect If A Doc Has Macros In It
Posted by akhil · 15-07-2022 - 20:55
3660Posted by admin
19-07-2022 - 14:32
Closed Indexer Returns Data With Random Spacing
Posted by ordersvrc · 14-07-2022 - 14:20
1668Posted by admin
14-07-2022 - 16:09
Closed Adding Header And Footer In Trial Version
Posted by lukas-sander · 11-07-2022 - 09:16
3696Posted by admin
11-07-2022 - 10:59
Closed Replace Variable With Page Number As Merge Field
Posted by ceff · 06-07-2022 - 07:50
2775Posted by ceff
06-07-2022 - 09:26
Closed Gráfica No Respeta El Orden Asignado De Los Valores
Posted by rmartinez · 13-06-2022 - 09:53
3758Posted by rmartinez
13-06-2022 - 11:37
Closed Add Flag Emoji To Docx
Posted by Exorion · 04-06-2022 - 11:16
1720Posted by admin
04-06-2022 - 14:25
Closed Setdefaultfont Method On Existing Document Text
Posted by usman12 · 27-05-2022 - 10:40
6768Posted by admin
27-05-2022 - 14:51
Closed Obtener Solo El Texto De Un Wordfragment
Posted by rmartinez · 25-05-2022 - 14:49
2697Posted by rmartinez
25-05-2022 - 15:59