
Integrate phpdocx with Yii 2


To run phpdocx with Yii 2 it is mandatory to use the package that supports namespaces. This package is available for Advanced and Premium licenses.

The installation of phpdocx in a project that works with Composer can be manual or using a private repository with GitHub, Bitbucket or any other distributed version control system.

In order to use a private repository with GitHub or Bitbucket, you have to generate and use an SSH key:

Advanced and Premium licenses include a sample composer.json file (plugins/sample_composer.json file in the namespaces package) that can be added in a phpdocx private repository.

To perform a manual integration just follow these easy steps:

  • 1- Copy the content of the phpdocx package in the folder vendor/phpdocx.
  • 2- Open the file composer.json. Add the autoload section, in case it doesn't exist yet. Then add the following classmap:
In a Yii 2 clean installation, the section should look like this:

  • 3- Update the autoloader of Composer:

Now, with these three easy steps completed, you can work with phpdocx.

As an example, let's create a document in a controller, and then save it in the webroot folder with the name output.docx: