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Topics: 2011   Posts: 7326
TopicRepliesViewsLast Post
Closed How Added Page-Of Option To Insert Numberings Of The “Page X Of Y” In Format X/y.
Posted by DenisIdo · 13-10-2016 - 13:47
33278Posted by admin
14-10-2016 - 08:41
Closed How Can I Copy Section And Paste It N-Times To Document?
Posted by · 13-10-2016 - 14:28
23229Posted by admin
14-10-2016 - 06:56
Closed How To Remove A Section Having Some Specified Content/word/phrase?
Posted by vinaya180189 · 13-10-2016 - 06:46
13012Posted by admin
13-10-2016 - 06:51
Closed Bullet Point Lists Becomes Numbered Lists After Merging
Posted by Ventto · 09-10-2016 - 01:21
33124Posted by admin
10-10-2016 - 07:26
Closed Embedhtml + Parseanchors Fails
Posted by efinfo · 05-10-2016 - 14:35
32829Posted by efinfo
06-10-2016 - 15:31
Closed Broken File On Download, But Ok On Writing To Disk?
Posted by fishka_bmk · 03-10-2016 - 18:58
22991Posted by fishka_bmk
04-10-2016 - 13:11
Closed Remove Line Where Empty Variable Was
Posted by jamie3000 · 28-09-2016 - 15:26
14620Posted by admin
29-09-2016 - 06:56
Closed Width In Table
Posted by General research Computer Center · 25-09-2016 - 16:57
12944Posted by admin
26-09-2016 - 14:07
Closed Creating Docx From Newly Created Docx Causes "cannot Be Opened Problems With Contents"
Posted by fishka_bmk · 22-09-2016 - 15:28
32942Posted by admin
26-09-2016 - 06:27
Closed Removing Symbols Only
Posted by hhwebteam · 19-09-2016 - 11:21
12785Posted by admin
20-09-2016 - 06:55
Closed How Create Letter-Spacing For Tabs In Phpdocx?
Posted by rusoleg · 04-09-2016 - 16:25
33007Posted by admin
09-09-2016 - 11:57
Closed Phpdocx-Pro-6.0 No Watermarkdocx() Function
Posted by pderep · 07-09-2016 - 20:31
13059Posted by admin
08-09-2016 - 07:27
Closed Variable In Footer Not Replaced
Posted by mgabrielides · 07-09-2016 - 08:12
23341Posted by admin
07-09-2016 - 08:19
Closed How Insert Line Break Into Table
Posted by FCNET · 06-09-2016 - 12:19
14349Posted by admin
06-09-2016 - 14:02
Closed Replacevariablebyexternalfile Changes Border And Background Colors Of Tables
Posted by Philippe GAUTHIER · 29-08-2016 - 14:00
43466Posted by Philippe GAUTHIER
02-09-2016 - 15:35
Closed Remove Indent From Left On Tables That Come In Via Html
Posted by unita · 23-08-2016 - 06:28
46933Posted by unita
24-08-2016 - 23:54
Closed Addshape Adds Extra Row After
Posted by kobbe · 18-08-2016 - 08:22
33558Posted by admin
18-08-2016 - 17:01
Closed Base64 To Docx?
Posted by hhwebteam · 16-08-2016 - 10:49
13204Posted by admin
16-08-2016 - 15:32
Closed Addendnote New Numeration For Each Page
Posted by neiron · 14-08-2016 - 13:16
13067Posted by admin
15-08-2016 - 13:30
Closed Conversion To Pdf Os X Libreoffice
Posted by hhwebteam · 11-08-2016 - 21:02
84457Posted by hhwebteam
12-08-2016 - 14:01
Closed Help Cannot Create Simple Doc
Posted by hhwebteam · 11-08-2016 - 11:13
43431Posted by admin
11-08-2016 - 11:47
Closed Embedhtml File And Sessions
Posted by dna · 10-08-2016 - 00:21
23100Posted by dna
11-08-2016 - 10:59
Closed Merge Two Files To Have Diffrent Sets Of Page Numberings
Posted by kobbe · 10-08-2016 - 09:48
33403Posted by admin
10-08-2016 - 10:42
Closed Convertion Pdf To Docx By Enterprise License
Posted by aref62 · 10-08-2016 - 07:40
13057Posted by admin
10-08-2016 - 08:05
Closed Tweaking Column Graph With : Reference Lines, Specific Color Per Bar
Posted by athierry · 08-08-2016 - 08:33
83638Posted by admin
10-08-2016 - 07:33
Closed Extra Padding At The "block" Data Using Replacevariablebyhtml
Posted by uqitss · 09-08-2016 - 04:04
13037Posted by admin
09-08-2016 - 07:40
Closed Importheadersandfooters
Posted by thetaylor82 · 02-08-2016 - 15:43
53382Posted by admin
04-08-2016 - 19:01
Closed Transformdocument
Posted by nohope100 · 03-08-2016 - 15:28
23036Posted by nohope100
03-08-2016 - 20:44
Closed Createdocxanddownload Bug
Posted by tthrockmorton · 02-08-2016 - 17:45
33848Posted by admin
02-08-2016 - 18:28
Closed Removing Placeholder Image
Posted by fileprint · 31-07-2016 - 08:44
33387Posted by admin
01-08-2016 - 07:14
Closed Tabulation In Word
Posted by rusoleg · 28-07-2016 - 13:43
13317Posted by admin
29-07-2016 - 06:41
Closed Replace Image In A Template Table
Posted by Simplexe · 26-07-2016 - 12:59
23919Posted by Simplexe
27-07-2016 - 10:02
Closed Pdf Conversion Abstract Class Error
Posted by caseman · 22-07-2016 - 14:11
13727Posted by admin
23-07-2016 - 08:37
Closed About Page Number: X/y, With X Is The Current Page, Y Is The Total Page
Posted by entudi · 21-07-2016 - 07:24
13506Posted by admin
21-07-2016 - 11:45
Closed Cannot Show Image In A Table In Header Or Footer
Posted by entudi · 20-07-2016 - 04:12
13768Posted by admin
20-07-2016 - 07:56
Closed Addtablecontents In A Specific Page
Posted by · 18-07-2016 - 18:09
115001Posted by admin
20-07-2016 - 07:50
Closed Table Cell Horizontal Alignment And Addfootnote
Posted by neiron · 18-07-2016 - 13:01
44528Posted by admin
19-07-2016 - 14:24
Closed Version 6.0 - Corrupt Documents
Posted by Shane@CP · 18-07-2016 - 04:51
33606Posted by admin
19-07-2016 - 06:56
Closed Createdocxanddownload($Sfilename) - File Is Saved On Server, Too
Posted by KRav · 16-07-2016 - 16:54
13577Posted by admin
17-07-2016 - 11:37
Closed Cant Create Hyperlink From Image
Posted by irishadar · 13-07-2016 - 12:28
13197Posted by admin
13-07-2016 - 15:05
Closed Error Replacing Image Header
Posted by wilmar.gonzalez · 12-07-2016 - 15:52
43242Posted by wilmar.gonzalez
13-07-2016 - 14:57
Closed With Importheadersandfooters Different Headers
Posted by KRav · 11-07-2016 - 20:05
13032Posted by admin
12-07-2016 - 18:12
Closed Water Mark Pages But In Whol Documnet
Posted by Sven May · 01-07-2016 - 12:56
43358Posted by Sven May
12-07-2016 - 09:39
Closed Transform Unable To Rename File, - Wrong Extension?
Posted by Movian · 08-07-2016 - 18:31
74693Posted by admin
11-07-2016 - 18:54
Closed Any Tips To Speed Up Libreoffice Pdf Conversion?
Posted by bbreukelen · 04-07-2016 - 10:29
13488Posted by admin
05-07-2016 - 07:48
Closed Replacevariablebytext Very Slow
Posted by bbreukelen · 23-06-2016 - 08:34
83882Posted by admin
01-07-2016 - 17:36
Closed Do A Sum In Template
Posted by Cedric · 29-06-2016 - 12:50
12979Posted by admin
29-06-2016 - 13:34
Closed Problems With Transformdocument()
Posted by AndrewCooper · 28-06-2016 - 10:50
25125Posted by AndrewCooper
29-06-2016 - 10:55
Closed Wysiwyg Ckeditor Phpdocx V6
Posted by Simplexe · 29-06-2016 - 08:05
13479Posted by admin
29-06-2016 - 08:22
Closed Special Characters Not Shown From Html To Docx
Posted by KRav · 22-06-2016 - 12:50
53753Posted by admin
29-06-2016 - 06:34