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How do I...? and issues
Topics: 2011   Posts: 7326
TopicRepliesViewsLast Post
Closed Embed Html And Page-Break-Inside Property
Posted by tutotours · 28-08-2017 - 10:15
84015Posted by tutotours
11-09-2017 - 20:42
Closed Image Got Cropped And Stretched
Posted by arlandi · 08-09-2017 - 10:00
52411Posted by arlandi
11-09-2017 - 09:34
Closed Import An Excel Sheet?
Posted by adam.mcelhaney · 08-09-2017 - 20:45
12403Posted by admin
11-09-2017 - 06:10
Closed Winword Freezing On Ws2012 / Msoffice2013
Posted by Pascal · 02-08-2017 - 07:26
22505Posted by Pascal
08-09-2017 - 08:28
Closed How To Check In Code If A Style (Name Or Id) Exists Or Not
Posted by jari.heinonen · 08-09-2017 - 05:23
12223Posted by admin
08-09-2017 - 06:46
Closed Problem With Encoding Utf-8 In Embedhtml
Posted by Berik · 05-09-2017 - 08:55
15843Posted by admin
05-09-2017 - 09:17
Closed Ueing Replacevariablebyhtml Coding Problems
Posted by iiusky · 04-09-2017 - 08:10
62439Posted by iiusky
04-09-2017 - 09:28
Closed On Replacement Block Contents Block Issues After Cloning
Posted by iiusky · 31-08-2017 - 10:02
12663Posted by admin
31-08-2017 - 10:26
Closed Custom List Style In Embedhtml
Posted by gijs · 24-08-2017 - 10:58
63242Posted by admin
24-08-2017 - 13:38
Closed How To Add Two Addmergefields On Same Line?
Posted by sbhosale · 25-07-2017 - 09:02
92576Posted by admin
24-08-2017 - 10:36
Closed How To Use Replacetablevariable
Posted by Tiago Scalco de Mello · 19-08-2017 - 15:16
02363Posted by Tiago Scalco de Mello
19-08-2017 - 15:16
Closed Docx Sign Not Work
Posted by edol.fuchs · 17-08-2017 - 17:34
42533Posted by edol.fuchs
18-08-2017 - 11:37
Closed Passthru : Permission Denied And Solution
Posted by UFNAFAAM · 16-08-2017 - 18:25
12398Posted by admin
16-08-2017 - 18:53
Closed Cannot Redeclare Class Tcpdf In
Posted by kobbe · 14-08-2017 - 11:41
12316Posted by admin
14-08-2017 - 18:22
Closed Cell Wrapping With Html Table
Posted by robkallen · 10-08-2017 - 18:01
12587Posted by admin
11-08-2017 - 06:29
Closed Can't Get Html Table To Format Nicely
Posted by nickweavers · 07-08-2017 - 08:13
42408Posted by admin
10-08-2017 - 14:56
Closed How Do I Scale An Image To A Given Height?
Posted by Vlad123 · 07-08-2017 - 15:04
32919Posted by admin
08-08-2017 - 11:44
Closed Colspan / Rowspan And Openoffice / Libreoffice?
Posted by jorismak · 03-08-2017 - 14:12
53302Posted by admin
04-08-2017 - 10:07
Closed Phpdocx Error While Trying To Open A Template
Posted by legalvorce · 03-08-2017 - 15:37
33617Posted by admin
03-08-2017 - 19:09
Closed Merging Removes 2 Out Of 3 Section Breaks
Posted by k.barendrecht · 11-07-2017 - 13:46
52639Posted by admin
31-07-2017 - 18:55
Closed Conversion To Pdf Broken
Posted by · 27-07-2017 - 09:56
22353Posted by
31-07-2017 - 08:45
Closed Dropdown In A Word Template, How To Set The Value
Posted by dboanno · 25-07-2017 - 18:34
22508Posted by admin
30-07-2017 - 09:54
Closed Docx Conversion To Pdf Messes Up Formatting
Posted by dealcloser · 20-07-2017 - 16:39
12430Posted by admin
21-07-2017 - 08:23
Closed Help Me To Insert Html Page Pls
Posted by · 13-07-2017 - 19:54
12314Posted by admin
14-07-2017 - 06:31
Closed Laravel Phpunit With Phpdocx
Posted by harman.devp · 12-07-2017 - 12:44
22431Posted by harman.devp
13-07-2017 - 08:30
Closed Embedhtml Issue
Posted by nohope100 · 06-07-2017 - 15:23
72687Posted by admin
12-07-2017 - 11:02
Closed Replacing A Variable By Wordfragment (Pagenumber)
Posted by k.barendrecht · 13-06-2017 - 12:14
22728Posted by k.barendrecht
11-07-2017 - 13:21
Closed Font Size Of Docx
Posted by michealorion · 11-07-2017 - 09:59
12745Posted by admin
11-07-2017 - 10:11
Closed Word Template Created With Ms Word 2016 Results Corrupted When Opening With Word 2007
Posted by gmauriello · 06-07-2017 - 14:40
12509Posted by admin
06-07-2017 - 15:21
Closed Issue With Calculating _Wordmlunits: A Non-Numeric Value Encountered
Posted by j.ypma · 27-06-2017 - 12:21
22706Posted by admin
06-07-2017 - 11:39
Closed Problem With Encoding Of Docx Document
Posted by legaltrek · 05-07-2017 - 14:02
12502Posted by admin
05-07-2017 - 14:20
Closed Giving User Www-Data Read And Write Permissions In The Directory /var/www/.config
Posted by harman.devp · 26-06-2017 - 07:59
43293Posted by harman.devp
26-06-2017 - 10:11
Closed Merging Documents At Same Time As Another Mixes Output
Posted by cem · 15-06-2017 - 18:13
52915Posted by admin
16-06-2017 - 18:44
Closed Unable To Remove The Highlighted Word From Ms Word
Posted by · 08-06-2017 - 14:02
52925Posted by admin
08-06-2017 - 17:29
Closed Dynamic Variables With Mergedocx
Posted by gothamdigitalscience · 07-06-2017 - 18:51
12658Posted by admin
08-06-2017 - 06:17
Closed Html2Wordml Column Size: I've Resolved The Issuecase 'tr': //before Closing A Ro
Posted by matteo.moretti · 15-05-2017 - 14:40
22539Posted by matteo.moretti
05-06-2017 - 12:27
Closed Add Border, Margin And Padding For Addformelement Textbox Field
Posted by peterdan · 31-05-2017 - 01:48
12566Posted by admin
31-05-2017 - 07:39
Closed Search And Replace Not Working On Ms Word Generated Docx
Posted by criptos · 29-05-2017 - 16:51
12323Posted by admin
29-05-2017 - 18:40
Closed Different Colors For Each Bar/groups In A Colchart?
Posted by dev@ram · 26-05-2017 - 13:19
12381Posted by admin
29-05-2017 - 06:26
Closed Using Wordml For Chart Title?
Posted by dev@ram · 26-05-2017 - 13:50
12497Posted by admin
29-05-2017 - 06:24
Closed Different Chart Type For A Specific Data Series Or Target Line On Bar Graph
Posted by · 25-05-2017 - 16:23
12420Posted by admin
26-05-2017 - 06:42
Closed Search With Regular Expression...
Posted by criptos · 17-05-2017 - 20:34
43020Posted by criptos
19-05-2017 - 15:28
Closed Toc Update Before Save?
Posted by dev@ram · 18-05-2017 - 19:19
33058Posted by admin
19-05-2017 - 14:57
Closed How To Increase The Font Size Of Mathml In Addmathequation And Mathml Alignment
Posted by peterdan · 11-05-2017 - 04:26
53164Posted by admin
18-05-2017 - 09:23
Closed Repeating Headers In Pages
Posted by dev@ram · 17-05-2017 - 19:02
12561Posted by admin
18-05-2017 - 07:03
Closed Override Table Style
Posted by dev@ram · 16-05-2017 - 13:58
12577Posted by admin
17-05-2017 - 08:35
Closed Adjust Column Size Issue
Posted by dev@ram · 11-05-2017 - 18:40
22894Posted by dev@ram
12-05-2017 - 13:11
Closed A Quick Question On Createdocxfromtemplate
Posted by dev@ram · 11-05-2017 - 20:18
12438Posted by admin
12-05-2017 - 07:25
Closed How To Hide An Axis In Bar Graph?
Posted by dev@ram · 10-05-2017 - 16:22
12418Posted by admin
11-05-2017 - 07:57