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How do I...? and issues
Topics: 2011   Posts: 7326
TopicRepliesViewsLast Post
Closed Problems With Ñ And ®
Posted by kentverger · 09-03-2011 - 19:34
23150Posted by admin
11-04-2013 - 12:12
Closed Empty Lines After Transformation Docx To Pdf
Posted by xox · 07-02-2011 - 13:18
43253Posted by admin
11-04-2013 - 12:12
Closed Addimage After Imagepng
Posted by luichanfe · 14-02-2011 - 21:38
33312Posted by admin
11-04-2013 - 12:12
Closed List Of Variables In Template
Posted by zstov · 15-02-2011 - 07:31
33064Posted by zstov
11-04-2013 - 12:12
Closed Table Font Size
Posted by Skitny · 15-02-2011 - 10:12
43340Posted by admin
11-04-2013 - 12:12
Closed Addtemplatevariable Table Issue
Posted by lobbygov · 20-01-2011 - 00:00
83352Posted by DamienB
11-04-2013 - 12:12
Closed Creating Pdf From Docx
Posted by jolyon2000 · 20-01-2011 - 12:52
23168Posted by admin
11-04-2013 - 12:12
Closed Image Alignment Right And Page Margins
Posted by thetaylor82 · 20-01-2011 - 13:34
23534Posted by ardigital
11-04-2013 - 12:12
Closed Pdf Dont Get Styles Of Docx
Posted by nschulze · 20-01-2011 - 15:26
33180Posted by admin
11-04-2013 - 12:12
Closed Addtemplate And Addlink
Posted by lobbygov · 23-01-2011 - 09:25
63263Posted by admin
11-04-2013 - 12:12
Closed Image Alignment
Posted by tets · 27-01-2011 - 09:24
23280Posted by admin
11-04-2013 - 12:12
Closed Addhtml Deprecation Error
Posted by seanw · 30-11-2010 - 21:11
53392Posted by Cmaas
11-04-2013 - 12:12
Closed Saving Pdf
Posted by xox · 20-12-2010 - 13:29
75126Posted by admin
11-04-2013 - 12:12
Closed Addtemplatevariable In Footer
Posted by jfboyer · 29-12-2010 - 16:31
23116Posted by admin
11-04-2013 - 12:12
Closed Addelement Method
Posted by gp92300 · 07-01-2011 - 11:40
23678Posted by admin
11-04-2013 - 12:12
Closed Adding Hidden Text Field
Posted by Cyber-NY · 03-04-2013 - 21:50
13224Posted by Cyber-NY
03-04-2013 - 21:50
Closed Header Image Is Not Displaying
Posted by sreekumar · 19-03-2013 - 06:29
13165Posted by sreekumar
19-03-2013 - 06:29
Closed <thead> Supported ?
Posted by · 14-03-2013 - 16:23
13194Posted by
14-03-2013 - 16:23
Closed Getting Fatal Error: Uncaught Exception 'exception' With Message 'running In Compatibility Mode. Uns
Posted by boldig · 26-02-2013 - 12:49
13371Posted by boldig
26-02-2013 - 12:49
Closed Template Variables And Multiple Lines
Posted by gbressel · 13-02-2013 - 14:57
13544Posted by gbressel
13-02-2013 - 14:57
Closed Create Pdf Support
Posted by support.ini · 07-02-2013 - 08:39
13186Posted by support.ini
07-02-2013 - 08:39
Closed Render Html In A Table Cell With Addtemplatevariable
Posted by atch · 05-02-2013 - 17:40
13305Posted by atch
05-02-2013 - 17:40
Closed Paragraph Style Tabs
Posted by mikestp27 · 01-02-2013 - 12:49
13367Posted by mikestp27
01-02-2013 - 12:49
Closed Html To Word Unordered List Spacing
Posted by keiths · 11-01-2013 - 19:38
13301Posted by keiths
11-01-2013 - 19:38
Closed Vaxlabel Outside Chart
Posted by mbcalvin · 19-12-2012 - 18:17
13063Posted by mbcalvin
19-12-2012 - 18:17
Closed Phpdocx Intranet
Posted by telekomsimple · 17-12-2012 - 12:18
13145Posted by telekomsimple
17-12-2012 - 12:18
Closed Issue -> Addtemplatevariable
Posted by telekomsimple · 10-12-2012 - 12:41
13134Posted by telekomsimple
10-12-2012 - 12:41
Closed Table With A Fixed Height And Alignment Within The Cell
Posted by pphornet · 15-11-2012 - 17:30
13152Posted by pphornet
15-11-2012 - 17:30
Closed Embedhtml And Images Inside Tables.
Posted by Web-Op · 13-11-2012 - 20:25
13472Posted by Web-Op
13-11-2012 - 20:25
Closed Clearblocks Leaves Blank Line
Posted by mbcalvin · 13-11-2012 - 20:04
13092Posted by mbcalvin
13-11-2012 - 20:04
Closed Replaceheaderimage & Addtemplateimage
Posted by concentric · 13-11-2012 - 17:36
13396Posted by concentric
13-11-2012 - 17:36
Closed Problem With Tables In Headers With Templates
Posted by sisoft · 22-10-2012 - 23:06
13038Posted by sisoft
22-10-2012 - 23:06
Closed Nobr Table, Tr Or Td?
Posted by marcushjortsberg · 19-10-2012 - 18:26
13187Posted by marcushjortsberg
19-10-2012 - 18:26
Closed Putting Line Breaks In Replaced Text
Posted by mice-pace · 19-10-2012 - 00:41
13145Posted by mice-pace
19-10-2012 - 00:41
Closed $Docx->addtablecontents()
Posted by Squad internet · 16-10-2012 - 15:31
13229Posted by Squad internet
16-10-2012 - 15:31
Closed Header And Footer
Posted by asifejaz · 10-10-2012 - 07:21
13263Posted by asifejaz
10-10-2012 - 07:21
Closed Html In Template
Posted by mbcalvin · 08-10-2012 - 20:20
13259Posted by mbcalvin
08-10-2012 - 20:20
Closed Deletetemplateblock
Posted by maitrebart · 22-09-2012 - 18:11
13093Posted by maitrebart
22-09-2012 - 18:11
Closed Pdf Conversion Utf8
Posted by skocznymroczny · 14-09-2012 - 14:14
13407Posted by skocznymroczny
14-09-2012 - 14:14
Closed Replacevariablebyhtml With Html Table Border Style And Rowspan
Posted by preventeo_fred · 22-08-2012 - 13:17
13340Posted by preventeo_fred
22-08-2012 - 13:17
Closed Adding Image Issue
Posted by kalreg · 15-08-2012 - 10:57
13309Posted by kalreg
15-08-2012 - 10:57
Closed Page Break After Html Table
Posted by triona_seba · 11-08-2012 - 20:20
13735Posted by triona_seba
11-08-2012 - 20:20
Closed Where Does The Images Go When Using Transformdoc?
Posted by notice88 · 26-07-2012 - 03:32
13128Posted by notice88
26-07-2012 - 03:32
Closed Parse Error: Syntax Error, Unexpected '.', Expecting T_Ns_Separator
Posted by coderboi · 26-06-2012 - 10:06
13382Posted by coderboi
26-06-2012 - 10:06
Closed Checkbox Style
Posted by c_h_r_i_s · 11-06-2012 - 09:48
13229Posted by c_h_r_i_s
11-06-2012 - 09:48
Closed Table Size_Col
Posted by Merlin1 · 07-06-2012 - 11:05
13330Posted by Merlin1
07-06-2012 - 11:05
Closed Remove Line Text Or Table Parsing A Conditione
Posted by antonello · 25-05-2012 - 17:47
13282Posted by antonello
25-05-2012 - 17:47
Closed Repeating Sections In A Template
Posted by anch · 14-05-2012 - 22:22
13506Posted by anch
14-05-2012 - 22:22
Closed Paragraphs As A Block
Posted by nicocans · 10-05-2012 - 09:31
13193Posted by nicocans
10-05-2012 - 09:31
Closed Size_Col Param
Posted by · 08-05-2012 - 15:53
13179Posted by
08-05-2012 - 15:53