HTML Extended: <phpdocx_text> tag
- <a>
- <b>, <strong>
- <br>
- <caption>, <figcaption>
- <div>
- <dl>, <dt>, <dd>
- <h1>, <h2>, <h3>, <h4>, <h5>, <h6>
- <hr>
- <i>, <em>, <cite>, <var>
- <input>
- <img>
- <mark>
- <p>, <address>, <blockquote>
- <pre>
- <s>
- <select>, <option>
- <small>
- <span>
- <sub>
- <sup>
- <table>, <tr>, <td>, <th>
- <textarea>
- <u>, <ins>, <del>
- <ul>, <ol>, <li>
- <math>
- <meta>
- <phpdocx_bookmark>
- <phpdocx_break>
- <phpdocx_comment>
- <phpdocx_crossreference>
- <phpdocx_dateandhour>
- <phpdocx_endnote>
- <phpdocx_footer>
- <phpdocx_footnote>
- <phpdocx_formelement>
- <phpdocx_header>
- <phpdocx_heading>
- <phpdocx_image>
- <phpdocx_link>
- <phpdocx_mathequation>
- <phpdocx_mergefield>
- <phpdocx_modifypagelayout>
- <phpdocx_ole>
- <phpdocx_onlinevideo>
- <phpdocx_pagenumber>
- <phpdocx_section>
- <phpdocx_shape>
- <phpdocx_simplefield>
- <phpdocx_structureddocumenttag>
- <phpdocx_tablecontents>
- <phpdocx_tablefigures>
- <phpdocx_text>
- <phpdocx_textbox>
- <phpdocx_wordfragment>
- <phpdocx_wordml>
- <svg>
- <title>
<phpdocx_text> tag

Inserts a paragraph.
HTML Extended (Premium licenses)
Attribute | Description |
data-text | The text to be inserted. |
data-bold | If true the text will be shown in bold characters. |
data-caps | If true displays text in capital letters. |
data-color | Hexadecimal color value: 'FF0000', '000000'... |
data-columnBreak | Inserts a column break. Possible values are: before, after or both. |
data-doubleStrikeThrough | If true displays text in doubleStrikeThrough. |
data-em | Emphasis mark type: 'none', 'dot', 'circle', 'comma', 'underDot'. |
data-font | Font family: 'Arial', Calibri'... |
data-fontSize | Font size in points. |
data-highlightColor | Highlights the run of text. The available colors are: black, blue, cyan, green, magenta, red, yellow, white, darkBlue, darkCyan, darkGreen, darkMagenta, darkRed, darkYellow, darkGray, lightGray, none. |
data-italic | If true displays the text in italics. |
data-lineBreak | Inserts a line break. Possible values are: before, after or both. |
data-position | Position value. Positive value for raised and negative value for lowered. |
data-rStyle | Character style to be used. |
data-rtl | Sets to true for right to left languages like Hebrew or Arabic. |
data-scaling | Scaling value, 100 is the default value. |
data-smallCaps | If true displays text in small capital letters. |
data-spaces | Number of additional leading empty spaces before the current run of text. |
data-spacing | Character spacing, positive value for expanded and negative value for condensed. |
data-strikeThrough | If true displays text in strikethrough. |
data-subscript | If true displays text in subscript. |
data-superscript | If true displays text in superscript. |
data-tab | Inserts a tab. |
data-underline | Underlines text. Possible values are: single, words, double, dotted, dash and wave. |
data-underlineColor | Underlines text with a color: 'FF0000', '000000'... |
data-vanish | Uses a vanish style. |