HTML Standard: <table>, <tr>, <td>, <th> tags

<table>, <tr>, <td>, <th> tags

Inserts a table.

Attributes <table>
Attribute Description
align Table alignment: center, left, right.
border A line border for the table.
cellspacing Cell spacing.
class One or more classes.
This attribute used with the wordStyles option allows applying a custom table style.
dir Direction style: ltr, rtl.
id Id.
style Inline styles. Styles can also be applied using style tags.
Attributes <tr>
Attribute Description
class One or more classes.
id Id.
style Inline styles. Styles can also be applied using style tags.
Attributes <td>, <th>
Attribute Description
class One or more classes.
colspan Number of columns for a cell to span.
dir Direction style: ltr, rtl, lrTb, tbRl, btLr, lrTbV, tbRlV, tbLrV.
id Id.
rowspan Number of rows for a cell to span.
style Inline styles. Styles can also be applied using style tags.
Styles <table>
Style Description
  • hexadecimal color
  • HSL color
  • HSLA color (alpha value is ignored)
  • predefined/cross-browser color
  • RGB color
  • RGBA color (alpha value is ignored)
border, border-top, border-right, border-bottom, border-left border-color:
  • hexadecimal color
  • HSL color
  • HSLA color (alpha value is ignored)
  • predefined/cross-browser color
  • RGB color
  • RGBA color (alpha value is ignored)
  • dashed
  • dotted
  • double
  • groove
  • inset
  • none
  • outset
  • ridge
  • solid
  • medium
  • thick
  • thin
  • length: cm, in, mm, pt, pc, px
  • collapse
  • length: em, pt, px
  • ltr
  • rtl
  • none
  • left
  • right
Use with parseFloats option.
  • length: em, pt, px
  • percentage
padding-right, padding-left
  • length: em, pt, px
  • auto
  • autofit
  • fixed
  • length: em, pt, px
  • percentage
Styles <tr>
Style Description
  • hexadecimal color
  • HSL color
  • HSLA color (alpha value is ignored)
  • predefined/cross-browser color
  • RGB color
  • RGBA color (alpha value is ignored)
border, border-top, border-right, border-bottom, border-left border-color:
  • hexadecimal color
  • HSL color
  • HSLA color (alpha value is ignored)
  • predefined/cross-browser color
  • RGB color
  • RGBA color (alpha value is ignored)
  • dashed
  • dotted
  • double
  • groove
  • inset
  • none
  • outset
  • ridge
  • solid
  • medium
  • thick
  • thin
  • length: cm, in, mm, pt, pc, px
  • table-header-group (to be used in the first tr and also sequential rows)
  • length: em, pt, px
  • avoid
Styles <td>, <th>
Style Description
  • hexadecimal color
  • HSL color
  • HSLA color (alpha value is ignored)
  • predefined/cross-browser color
  • RGB color
  • RGBA color (alpha value is ignored)
border, border-top, border-right, border-bottom, border-left border-color:
  • hexadecimal color
  • HSL color
  • HSLA color (alpha value is ignored)
  • predefined/cross-browser color
  • RGB color
  • RGBA color (alpha value is ignored)
  • dashed
  • dotted
  • double
  • groove
  • inset
  • none
  • outset
  • ridge
  • solid
  • medium
  • thick
  • thin
  • length: cm, in, mm, pt, pc, px
  • ltr
  • rtl
  • lrTb
  • tbRl
  • btLr
  • lrTbV
  • tbRlV
  • tbLrV
margin, margin-top, margin-right, margin-bottom, margin-left
  • length: em, pt, px
  • percentage
padding, padding-top, padding-right, padding-bottom, padding-left
  • length: em, pt, px
  • percentage
  • baseline
  • bottom
  • middle
  • sub
  • super
  • text-bottom
  • text-top
  • top
  • length: em, pt, px
  • percentage
  • noWrap
Custom MS Word styles

Using createTableStyle and HTML, custom table styles can be applied to use more styles.

HTML Extended (Premium licenses)
Attribute Description
data-tblpr Applies a custom tblPr style.
data-trpr Applies a custom trPr style.
data-tcpr Applies a custom tcPr style.
CSS Extended (Premium licenses)
Style Description
data-fit-text Text fits the width of the cell:
  • always
Code samples

Example #1

The resulting Word document looks like:

Example #2

The resulting Word document looks like: