- addBibliography
- addBookmark
- addBreak
- addChart
- addCitation
- addComment
- addCrossReference
- addDateAndHour
- addEndnote
- addExternalFile
- addFootnote
- addFormElement
- addHeading
- addImage
- addLink
- addList
- addMathEquation
- addMergeField
- addOLE
- addOnlineVideo
- addPageNumber
- addShape
- addSimpleField
- addSource
- addStructuredDocumentTag
- addSVG
- addTab
- addTable
- addTableContents
- addTableFigures
- addText
- addTextBox
- addWordFragment
- addWordML
- embedHTML
- addBackgroundImage
- addFooter
- addFooterSection
- addHeader
- addHeaderSection
- addLineNumbering
- addMacroFromDoc
- addPageBorders
- addProperties
- addSection
- createDocx
- createDocxAndDownload
- createCharacterStyle
- createListStyle
- createParagraphStyle
- createTableStyle
- docxSettings
- embedFont
- importChartStyle
- importHeadersAndFooters
- importListStyle
- importStyles
- importStylesWordDefault
- modifyPageLayout
- parseStyles
- removeFooters
- removeHeaders
- setBackgroundColor
- setDecimalSymbol
- setDefaultFont
- setDocumentDefaultStyles
- setEncodeUTF8
- setLanguage
- setMarkAsFinal
- setRTL
- clearBlocks
- cloneBlock
- deleteBlock
- getTemplateVariables
- getTemplateVariablesType
- modifyInputFields
- modifyMergeFields
- processTemplate
- removeTemplateVariable
- removeTemplateVariableImage
- replaceBlock
- replaceListVariable
- replacePlaceholderImage
- replaceTableVariable
- replaceVariableByExternalFile
- replaceVariableByHtml
- replaceVariableByText
- replaceVariableByWordFragment
- replaceVariableByWordML
- setTemplateSymbol
- setTemplateBlockSymbol
- tickCheckboxes

Creates a new Word table style.
public createTableStyle ( string $name [, array $styleOptions = array() ])
This method allows the generation of custom table styles that may be later used in combination with, for example, the addTable method.
A string with the name of the Word style that you are creating.
This is an array including all the available styling options.
Key | Type | Description |
border | string | Border type: none, single, double, dashed, threeDEngrave, threeDEmboss, outset, inset... This value can be overridden for each side with the use 'borderTop', 'borderRight', 'borderBottom' and 'borderLeft' properties. |
borderColor | string | Hexadecimal color value: 'FF0000', '000000'... This value can be overridden for each side with the use of 'borderTopColor', 'borderRightColor', 'borderBottomColor' and 'borderLeftColor' properties. |
borderSpacing | int | Border spacing in points. This value can be overridden for each side with the use of 'borderTopSpacing', 'borderRightSpacing', 'borderBottomSpacing' and 'borderLeftSpacing' properties. |
borderWidth | int | Border size in eigths of a point. This value can be overridden for each side with the use of 'borderTopWidth', 'borderRightWidth', 'borderBottomWidth' and 'borderLeftWidth' properties. |
cellBackgroundColor | string | Hexadecimal color value: 'FF0000', '000000'... |
cellMargin | mixed | An integer or an array with keys: top, right, bottom and left. The values are given in twentieths of a point. |
indent | int | Table indentation. The value is given in twentieths of a point. |
rPrStyles | array | Character styles to be applied. |
pPrStyles | array | Paragraph styles to be applied. |
tableStyle | string | Id of the style this table style is based on (it may be retrieved with the parseStyles method). |
tblStyleColBandSize | bool | Column banded style. |
tblStyleRowBandSize | bool | Row banded style. |
band1HorzStyle | array | Set odd rows styles using border, borderColor, borderSpacing, borderWidth, backgroundColor, vAlign, rPrStyles, pPrStyles properties. |
band1VertStyle | array | Sets odd cols styles using border, borderColor, borderSpacing, borderWidth, backgroundColor, vAlign, rPrStyles, pPrStyles properties. |
band2HorzStyle | array | Sets even rows styles using border, borderColor, borderSpacing, borderWidth, backgroundColor, vAlign, rPrStyles, pPrStyles properties. |
band2VertStyle | array | Sets even cols styles using border, borderColor, borderSpacing, borderWidth, backgroundColor, vAlign, rPrStyles, pPrStyles properties. |
firstColStyle | array | Sets first column styles using border, borderColor, borderSpacing, borderWidth, backgroundColor, vAlign, rPrStyles, pPrStyles properties. |
firstRowStyle | array | Sets first row styles using border, borderColor, borderSpacing, borderWidth, backgroundColor, vAlign, rPrStyles, pPrStyles properties. |
hidden | bool | Hide style from user interface. |
lastColStyle | array | Sets last col styles using border, borderColor, borderSpacing, borderWidth, backgroundColor, vAlign, rPrStyles, pPrStyles properties. |
lastRowStyle | array | Sets last row styles using border, borderColor, borderSpacing, borderWidth, backgroundColor, vAlign, rPrStyles, pPrStyles properties. |
locked | bool | Style cannot be applied. |
next | string | Style for next paragraph. |
neCellStyle | array | Sets top right styles using border, borderColor, borderSpacing, borderWidth, backgroundColor, vAlign, rPrStyles, pPrStyles properties. |
nwCellStyle | array | Sets top left styles using border, borderColor, borderSpacing, borderWidth, backgroundColor, vAlign, rPrStyles, pPrStyles properties. |
seCellStyle | array | Sets bottom right styles using border, borderColor, borderSpacing, borderWidth, backgroundColor, vAlign, rPrStyles, pPrStyles properties. |
semiHidden | bool | Hide style from main user interface. |
swCellStyle | array | Sets bottom left styles using border, borderColor, borderSpacing, borderWidth, backgroundColor, vAlign, rPrStyles, pPrStyles properties. |
unhideWhenUsed | bool | Remove semi-hidden property when style is used. |
Code samples
Release notes
- phpdocx 13.0:
- cellBackgroundColor option.
- phpdocx 12.0:
- hidden, semiHidden, unhideWhenUsed, locked and next options.
- phpdocx 8.5:
- new method.