- addBibliography
- addBookmark
- addBreak
- addChart
- addCitation
- addComment
- addCrossReference
- addDateAndHour
- addEndnote
- addExternalFile
- addFootnote
- addFormElement
- addHeading
- addImage
- addLink
- addList
- addMathEquation
- addMergeField
- addOLE
- addOnlineVideo
- addPageNumber
- addShape
- addSimpleField
- addSource
- addStructuredDocumentTag
- addSVG
- addTab
- addTable
- addTableContents
- addTableFigures
- addText
- addTextBox
- addWordFragment
- addWordML
- embedHTML
- addBackgroundImage
- addFooter
- addFooterSection
- addHeader
- addHeaderSection
- addLineNumbering
- addMacroFromDoc
- addPageBorders
- addProperties
- addSection
- createDocx
- createDocxAndDownload
- createCharacterStyle
- createListStyle
- createParagraphStyle
- createTableStyle
- docxSettings
- embedFont
- importChartStyle
- importHeadersAndFooters
- importListStyle
- importStyles
- importStylesWordDefault
- modifyPageLayout
- parseStyles
- removeFooters
- removeHeaders
- setBackgroundColor
- setDecimalSymbol
- setDefaultFont
- setDocumentDefaultStyles
- setEncodeUTF8
- setLanguage
- setMarkAsFinal
- setRTL
- clearBlocks
- cloneBlock
- deleteBlock
- getTemplateVariables
- getTemplateVariablesType
- modifyInputFields
- modifyMergeFields
- processTemplate
- removeTemplateVariable
- removeTemplateVariableImage
- replaceBlock
- replaceListVariable
- replacePlaceholderImage
- replaceTableVariable
- replaceVariableByExternalFile
- replaceVariableByHtml
- replaceVariableByText
- replaceVariableByWordFragment
- replaceVariableByWordML
- setTemplateSymbol
- setTemplateBlockSymbol
- tickCheckboxes

Inserts a paragraph into a Word document.
public addText ( mixed $paragraphContents [, array $paragraphOptions = array()] )
This method allows the insertion of a paragraph into a Word document.
You may include in your paragraph:
- multiple runs of text with diverse formatting
- inline and floating images
- inline and floating charts
- footnotes and endnotes
- all kinds of different line breaks (line, column, page)
- all kind of different tabs (light, right, center with leading characters or not)
- links and bookmarks
- page numbers
- date and hour
- form elements
- shapes
- inline HTML content
You may, in general, insert any "inline". If you try to insert a block type element, like a table, its inline contents will be extracted and inserted ignoring the containing block element.
This could be:
- a simple string of text.
- a WordFragment.
- an array. Each of the elements of this array may be a WordFragment or an array with the following keys and values (required options are shown with yellow background):
Key | Type | Description |
text | string | The text to be inserted. |
bold | bool | If true the text will be shown in bold characters. |
caps | bool | If true displays text in capital letters. |
characterBorder | array | Adds a border to the character. Keys and values: 'type' => none, single, double, dashed..., 'color' => ffffff, ff0000, 'spacing'=> 0, 1, 2..., 'width' => in eights of a point. |
color | string | Hexadecimal color value: 'FF0000', '000000'... |
columnBreak | string | Inserts a column break.
Possible values are: before, after or both. |
doubleStrikeThrough | bool | If true displays text in doubleStrikeThrough. |
em | string | Emphasis mark type: 'none', 'dot', 'circle', 'comma', 'underDot'. |
emboss | bool | Emboss style. |
font | string or array |
string type: font family: 'Arial', Calibri'...
array type:
fontSize | int | Font size in points. |
highlightColor | string | Highlights the run of text.
The available colors are: black, blue, cyan, green, magenta, red, yellow, white, darkBlue, darkCyan, darkGreen, darkMagenta, darkRed, darkYellow, darkGray, lightGray, none. |
italic | bool | If true displays the text in italics. |
lang | array | Lang options: val, eastAsia and bidi keys. |
lineBreak | string | Inserts a line break. Possible values are: before, after or both. |
noProof | bool | Ignore spelling and grammar errors. |
outline | bool | Outline style. |
position | int | Position value. Positive value for raised and negative value for lowered. |
rStyle | string | Character style to be used. |
rtl | bool | Sets to true for right to left languages like Hebrew or Arabic. |
scaling | int | Scaling value, 100 is the default value. |
shadow | bool | Shadow style. |
smallCaps | bool | If true displays text in small capital letters. |
spaces | int | Number of additional leading empty spaces before the current run of text. |
spacing | int | character spacing, positive value for expanded and negative value for condensed. |
strikeThrough | bool | If true displays text in strikethrough. |
subscript | bool | If true displays text in subscript. |
superscript | bool | If true displays text in superscript. |
tab | bool | Inserts a tab. |
underline | string | Underlines text. Possible values are: single, words, double, dotted, dash and wave. |
underlineColor | string | Underlines text with a color: 'FF0000', '000000'... |
vanish | bool | Uses a vanish style. |
The possible keys and values are:
Key | Type | Description |
pStyle | string | Paragraph style to be used. |
backgroundColor | string | Hexadecimal color value: FF0000, 000000... |
bidi | bool | Sets to true for right to left languages like Hebrew or Arabic. |
bold | bool | If true the text will be shown in bold characters. |
border | string | Available values are:
borderBottom | string | Overwrites the general border type for the bottom border of the paragraph. |
borderLeft | string | Overwrites the general border type for the left border of the paragraph. |
borderTop | string | Overwrites the general border type for the top border of the paragraph. |
borderRight | string | Overwrites the general border type for the right border of the paragraph. |
borderColor | string | Hexadecimal color value: FF0000, 000000... |
borderBottomColor | string | Overwrites the general border color for the bottom border of the paragraph. |
borderLeftColor | string | Overwrites the general border color for the left border of the paragraph. |
borderTopColor | string | Overwrites the general border color for the top border of the paragraph. |
borderRightColor | string | Overwrites the general border color for the right border of the paragraph. |
borderSpacing | int | Separation between border and text in points. |
borderBottomSpacing | int | Overwrites the general border spacing for the bottom border of the paragraph. |
borderLeftSpacing | int | Overwrites the general border spacing for the left border of the paragraph. |
borderTopSpacing | int | Overwrites the general border spacing for the top border of the paragraph. |
borderRightSpacing | int | Overwrites the general border spacing for the right border of the paragraph. |
borderWidth | int | Border width in eigths of a point. |
borderBottomWidth | int | Overwrites the general border width for the bottom border of the paragraph. |
borderLeftWidth | int | Overwrites the general border width for the left border of the paragraph. |
borderTopWidth | int | Overwrites the general border width for the top border of the paragraph. |
borderRightWidth | int | Overwrites the general border width for the right border of the paragraph. |
caps | bool | If true displays text in capital letters. |
color | string | Hexadecimal color value: 'FF0000', '000000'... |
contextualSpacing | bool | If true ignores spacing above and below the paragraph whenever the neighbouring paragraphs use the same Word style (false by default). |
doubleStrikeThrough | bool | If true displays text in doubleStrikeThrough. |
em | string | Emphasis mark type: 'none', 'dot', 'circle', 'comma', 'underDot'. |
emboss | bool | Emboss style. |
firstLineIndent | int | First line indentation in twentieths of a point (twips). |
font | string | Font family: 'Arial', Calibri'... |
fontSize | int | Font size in points. |
hanging | int | Paragraph hanging in twentieths of a point (twips). |
headingLevel | int | The heading level if you want this paragraph to be a heading. |
italic | bool | If true displays the text in italics. |
indentLeft | int | Left margin in points. |
indentRight | int | Right margin in points. |
keepLines | bool | Keeps (whenever possible) all the current paragraph lines on the same page. |
keepNext | bool | Keeps (whenever possible) in the same page the current paragraph with next paragraph. |
lineSpacing | int | 120, 240 (standard), 360, 480... (in twentieths of a point). |
noProof | bool | Ignore spelling and grammar errors. |
outline | bool | Outline style. |
pageBreakBefore | bool | If true forces a page break before the paragraph. |
parseLineBreaks | bool | If true (default is false) parses the line breaks to include them in the Word document. |
parseTabs | bool | If true (default is false) parses the tabs to include them in the Word document as w:tab tags. |
position | int | Position value. Positive value for raised and negative value for lowered. |
rtl | bool | Sets to true for right to left languages like Hebrew or Arabic. |
scaling | int | Scaling value, 100 is the default value. |
shadow | bool | Shadow style. |
smallCaps | bool | If true displays text in small capital letters. |
spacingBottom | int | Bottom padding in twentieths of a point. |
spacingTop | int | Top padding in twentieths of a point. |
strikeThrough | bool | If true displays text in strikethrough. |
suppressLineNumbers | bool | Suppress line numbers. |
tabPositions | array | Each entry is an associative array with the following keys and values:
textAlign | string | Text alignment within paragraph. Possible values are: center, right, both and distribute. |
textDirection | string | Text flow direction within a table cell. Possible values are: lrTb, tbRl, btLr, lrTbV, tbRlV and tbLrV. |
underline | string | Underlines text. Possible values are: single, words, double, dotted, dash and wave. |
underlineColor | string | Underlines text with a color: 'FF0000', '000000'... |
vanish | bool | Uses a vanish style. |
widowControl | bool | Prevents Word from printing the last line of a paragraph by itself at the top of the page (widow) or the first line of a paragraph at the bottom of a page (orphan). |
wordWrap | bool | Allows line breaking at character level (default value is false). |
Code samples
Release notes
- phpdocx 15.0:
- font option allows using an array to set all font types (ascii, hAnsi, eastAsia, cs).
- supported applying disabled styles (using false as value): bold, italic, bidi, caps, smallCaps, widowControl and wordWrap).
- phpdocx 14.5:
- parseTabs option.
- phpdocx 12.5:
- emboss, noProof, outline, shadow and suppressLineNumbers options.
- phpdocx 12.0:
- improved working with East Asian fonts.
- parseLineBreaks option.
- phpdocx 7.5:
- doubleStrikeThrough, vanish, scaling, position, underlineColor, spacing and characterBorder styles.
- phpdocx 7.0:
- superscript, subscript and strikeThrough styles.
- phpdocx 5.5:
- em option.