


Summarizes contents in a DOCX document.

public summarize ( $source [, array $options = array()] )

Summarizes contents in a DOCX.

Supported AI integrations:

  • GPT OpenAI
  • phpdocx AI
Parameters GPT OpenAI


DOCX document.


An array with the available options.

The possible keys and values are:

key Type Description
frequency_penalty float Default as 0.0.
max_tokens int Default as 1000. Each OpenAI model limits max tokens.
model string Default as 'text-davinci-003'.
presence_penalty float Default as 0.0.
prompt string Default as 'Summarize this text:'.
referenceNode array Default all paragraphs. DOCXPath options for custom queries:
  • 'type' (string) paragraph (default)
  • 'contains' (string)
  • 'occurrence' (int)
  • 'attributes' (array)
  • 'parent' (string) '/' (any parent, default), w:body or any other specific parent (/w:tbl/, /w:tc/, /w:r/...)
  • 'customQuery' (string) if set overwrites all previous references. It must be a valid XPath query
returnFullResponse bool If true returns the whole GPT response. Default as false.
temperature float Default as 0.7.
top_p float Default as 1.0.
url string Default as ''.
Parameters phpdocx AI


DOCX document.


An array with the available options.

The possible keys and values are:

key Type Description
minLength int Minimum length of keywords. Default as null.
orderByScore bool If true order by paragraph scores returned from the keyword scores. Default as false.
referenceNode array Default all paragraphs. DOCXPath options for custom queries:
  • 'type' (string) paragraph (default)
  • 'contains' (string)
  • 'occurrence' (int)
  • 'attributes' (array)
  • 'parent' (string) '/' (any parent, default), w:body or any other specific parent (/w:tbl/, /w:tc/, /w:r/...)
  • 'customQuery' (string) if set overwrites all previous references. It must be a valid XPath query
regExprCleanWords string Regular expression to clean contents to remove extra symbols. Default as '/[^\p{L}\p{N}\s]/u'.
stopWords array Words to be ignored. Default as empty. to get stop word lists for many languages.
Return values

string or array


Not valid DOCX source.

Error connecting to GPT.

GPT error.

Code samples

Example #1

The resulting output looks like:

Example #2

The resulting output looks like:

Release notes
  • phpdocx 14.0:
    • new method.