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How do I...? and issues
Topics: 2011   Posts: 7326
TopicRepliesViewsLast Post
Closed Mathml Mmultiscripts
Posted by droh10 · 07-01-2020 - 04:25
01681Posted by droh10
07-01-2020 - 04:25
Closed Working Example On Html_Extended Footer?
Posted by pwctechnicalsecurity · 18-12-2019 - 08:48
11793Posted by admin
18-12-2019 - 10:27
Closed Table Merges Into Unworkable
Posted by Simon87 · 13-12-2019 - 13:09
41941Posted by Simon87
13-12-2019 - 17:34
Closed Crossreference Generates Pageref But I Need Ref
Posted by Simon87 · 13-12-2019 - 13:05
21742Posted by Simon87
13-12-2019 - 14:50
Closed Wrong Lists Rendering
Posted by rapidtech · 09-12-2019 - 13:36
11816Posted by admin
09-12-2019 - 18:03
Closed Replacevariablebywordfragment Inline Removes The Font Size Of The Rest Of The Text
Posted by droh10 · 06-12-2019 - 10:06
31943Posted by admin
06-12-2019 - 10:59
Closed Table Cell Starts With Empty Line
Posted by kobbe · 04-12-2019 - 12:55
21933Posted by kobbe
04-12-2019 - 15:44
Closed Warning Message In Generatedocx.php
Posted by Siegfried · 03-12-2019 - 17:51
31921Posted by admin
04-12-2019 - 09:24
Closed Change Data In Excel Sheet Embedded In A Word Document
Posted by guenlm · 02-12-2019 - 12:42
11888Posted by admin
02-12-2019 - 13:11
Closed Update Pre-Existing Tocs
Posted by royh · 29-11-2019 - 14:04
11793Posted by admin
29-11-2019 - 17:14
Closed Change Font Size Of Html Using Embedhtml
Posted by royh · 29-11-2019 - 13:20
01765Posted by royh
29-11-2019 - 13:20
Closed How To Get Nested Numeric Lists?
Posted by rapidtech · 26-11-2019 - 14:05
32068Posted by admin
27-11-2019 - 10:33
Closed How To Use Phpdocx_Section?
Posted by rapidtech · 20-11-2019 - 13:16
132316Posted by admin
25-11-2019 - 15:19
Closed How To Set Up Line Chart Without Curve When Created From A Template
Posted by dawenloni · 27-09-2019 - 22:50
62080Posted by vrietz
20-11-2019 - 16:41
Closed Phpdocx_Footnote
Posted by rapidtech · 20-11-2019 - 10:53
61865Posted by rapidtech
20-11-2019 - 13:11
Closed Pdf Width/borders
Posted by Dan · 19-11-2019 - 15:48
31888Posted by admin
20-11-2019 - 07:37
Closed Two-Column Template
Posted by slavkovl · 15-11-2019 - 07:47
12106Posted by admin
15-11-2019 - 08:46
Closed Document Header Is Missing After Docx Is Converted To Pdf
Posted by ascendware · 07-11-2019 - 14:47
42533Posted by ascendware
13-11-2019 - 16:19
Closed Import External Stylesheet File
Posted by jhanley · 04-11-2019 - 00:18
22209Posted by jhanley
04-11-2019 - 22:59
Closed Set Temp_Path From Code
Posted by jhanley · 28-10-2019 - 23:17
62893Posted by admin
31-10-2019 - 07:19
Closed Table Css Causing Entire Page (And Following Pages) To Be Missing
Posted by coolaustralia · 29-10-2019 - 11:02
11838Posted by admin
30-10-2019 - 08:17
Closed Using Mergedocx With A .docm And .docx
Posted by floureiro · 29-10-2019 - 16:35
11802Posted by admin
30-10-2019 - 07:54
Closed Add Two Items In The Footer
Posted by floureiro · 28-10-2019 - 22:20
11933Posted by admin
29-10-2019 - 07:51
Closed Styling <Ul> Lists
Posted by pwctechnicalsecurity · 21-10-2019 - 20:38
11890Posted by admin
22-10-2019 - 08:11
Closed Table Not Rendering Correctly From Embedhtml Table
Posted by pwctechnicalsecurity · 20-10-2019 - 14:30
31919Posted by pwctechnicalsecurity
21-10-2019 - 20:27
Closed Docx Without Phpdocx Styles
Posted by pwctechnicalsecurity · 19-10-2019 - 22:21
41969Posted by pwctechnicalsecurity
21-10-2019 - 17:46
Closed Phpdocx_Image Issue
Posted by pwctechnicalsecurity · 19-10-2019 - 22:33
21869Posted by pwctechnicalsecurity
20-10-2019 - 10:42
Closed Block Used Within A Paragraph Will Work But Deletes The Paragraph Where The Tag Exists.
Posted by PKF_tech · 17-10-2019 - 09:58
11886Posted by admin
17-10-2019 - 10:10
Closed Signpdf() Pdf Sign Does Not Add Image
Posted by corehighered · 16-10-2019 - 19:34
11814Posted by admin
16-10-2019 - 20:12
Closed Error On Generating Downloadable Document
Posted by dawenloni · 26-09-2019 - 19:40
52173Posted by admin
16-10-2019 - 07:55
Closed Are We Able To Specify A Custom File Path To Store Generated Files
Posted by dawenloni · 11-10-2019 - 23:25
31989Posted by admin
15-10-2019 - 06:46
Closed Memory Consumption
Posted by didiergm · 12-10-2019 - 05:57
11861Posted by admin
12-10-2019 - 10:24
Closed One File, Two Formats (Docx And Pdf) Will The Layout Be Pretty Similar.
Posted by didiergm · 11-10-2019 - 17:24
31857Posted by admin
12-10-2019 - 10:21
Closed Can I Use Phpdocx To Read Rtf ?
Posted by didiergm · 11-10-2019 - 17:18
11807Posted by admin
12-10-2019 - 10:17
Closed Please Help Me
Posted by iiusky · 04-10-2019 - 13:01
31837Posted by admin
08-10-2019 - 06:16
Closed Special Character Issue
Posted by HemantG · 27-09-2019 - 13:27
31878Posted by admin
27-09-2019 - 15:25
Closed No Image Appears Within <Td>
Posted by LEEJIHOON · 27-09-2019 - 05:27
11782Posted by admin
27-09-2019 - 06:31
Closed Handling Of Lists..
Posted by coolaustralia · 22-08-2019 - 22:40
112684Posted by admin
26-09-2019 - 10:49
Closed Docx->Pdf - Each Word In New Line
Posted by Dan · 16-09-2019 - 19:41
21989Posted by Dan
17-09-2019 - 09:56
Closed More On Charts
Posted by Siegfried · 11-09-2019 - 12:42
12090Posted by admin
12-09-2019 - 08:33
Closed Can't Pass 'pstyle' From One Wordfragment To Another
Posted by Siegfried · 09-08-2019 - 13:43
72316Posted by Siegfried
06-09-2019 - 09:52
Closed Editable Form Fields After Conversion From Docx To Pdf
Posted by bhollinger · 23-08-2019 - 07:19
32093Posted by admin
23-08-2019 - 09:09
Closed Page Number When Merging With Multiple Templates
Posted by neu_katayama · 16-08-2019 - 08:48
62047Posted by neu_katayama
20-08-2019 - 01:00
Closed Image Not Displaying In Footer (Only If Not Added To Text Array)
Posted by pwctechnicalsecurity · 17-08-2019 - 15:18
11953Posted by admin
18-08-2019 - 09:34
Closed Replacevariablebytext Seems To Fail Randomly On Only One Or Two Fields
Posted by cem · 08-08-2019 - 20:41
11971Posted by admin
09-08-2019 - 07:23
Closed The Open Xml File Xxx.docx Cannot Be Opened
Posted by everrall · 07-08-2019 - 09:46
22442Posted by admin
08-08-2019 - 08:35
Closed Addtable With Rowproperties
Posted by Mister M · 06-08-2019 - 04:26
01857Posted by Mister M
06-08-2019 - 04:26