XML API - pdx:addFooter


Inserts footers into the Word document.


You are reading the XML API documentation. For the PHP API method please go to addFooter.


Element definition

It is possible to include different footers for:

  • the first page or title page.
  • even pages.
  • odd pages (this one is the default footer for the whole document if no different footers are defined for the first or even pages).

The contents of the different footers are defined via the use of WordFragments. These footer WordFragments allow the insertion of:

  • text paragraphs
  • current date and/or hour
  • images
  • links
  • lists
  • page numbers
  • shapes
  • tables
  • HTML content

You may also import the footers of an existing DOCX document via the ImportHeadersAndFooters element.

Attributes and sub-elements


Key Description
default The WordML fragment object containing the contents for the default (odd pages) header.
even The WordML fragment object containing the contents for the even pages header.
first The WordML fragment object containing the contents for the first (title) page header.
Code samples

Example #1




PHP code

The resulting Word document looks like: