XML API - pdx:addProperties


Modifies the document properties.


You are reading the XML API documentation. For the PHP API method please go to addProperties.


Element definition

This element modifies the properties of the Word document.

With this method it is possible to modify/add the document:

  • title
  • subject
  • author (creator)
  • keywords
  • description
  • category
  • contentStatus (final, draft...)
  • created, modified
  • lastModifiedBy
  • revision
  • manager
  • company
  • custom properties (name, type and value)

To modify the layout properties you should use modifyPageLayout element instead.

Attributes and sub-elements
Key Description
title The title of the document.
subject The subject of the document.
creator The document author or creator.
keywords A list of keywords that may be separated by any character you wish.
description The description of the document.
category The category to which you want to associate the document.
manager The name of the associated Manager.
company The company name.
contentStatus The current status of the document: final, draft, ....
created The created date (W3CDTF without time zone).
modified The modified date (W3CDTF without time zone).
lastModifiedBy The username that modified the document.
revision The revision number.
custom Custom properties. Each entry is composed by the name of the property and a value.
Code samples

Example #1




PHP code

The resulting Word document looks like: