XML API - pdx:addFootnote


Inserts a footnote into the Word document.


You are reading the XML API documentation. For the PHP API method please go to addFootnote.


Element definition

This element allows the insertion of a footnote into the Word document.

You may fully customize the footnote content including all kind of elements like paragraphs of text with sophisticated formatting, images, links or even tables and HTML content.

If one wishes to insert a footnote within a complex paragraph one should use this element in combination with the addText element.

Attributes and sub-elements


Key Description
textDocument This can be a string of text that will appear in the Word document just before the footnote call or an array with the text and the formatting options (as in the addText method) or a Word fragment.
textFootnote This is a string of text that will show up in the corresponding footnote or a Word fragment that may include a variety of elements.
footnoteMark The keys of this array are:
  • 'customMark': a special character, if any, that you would like to use for the call to the footnote content.
  • 'font': the font family you wish to use (Arial, Calibri...).
  • 'bold': true or false for bold text.
  • 'bidi': true for right to left languages.
  • 'italic': true or false to turn on italics.
  • 'color': an hexadecimal color ('000000', 'FF0000'...).
  • 'rtl': true for right to left languages.
referenceMark The keys of this array are:
  • 'font': the font family you wish to use (Arial, Calibri...).
  • 'bold': true or false for bold text.
  • 'bidi': true for right to left languages.
  • 'italic': true or false to turn on italics.
  • 'color': an hexadecimal color ('000000', 'FF0000'...).
  • 'rtl': true for right to left languages.
Code samples

Example #1




PHP code

The resulting Word document looks like: