XML API - pdx:addLineNumbering


Includes line numbering into the Word document.


You are reading the XML API documentation. For the PHP API method please go to addLineNumbering.


Element definition

This element allows the insertion of line numbers in the current Word document. It allows full customization including:

  • The line number increments to display: if set to one (default value) all lines are numbered, if set, for example to five only each fifth line will be numbered and the numbers will jump accordingly (5, 10, 15...).
  • The start number: it is one by default.
  • The distance between the line numbers and the corresponding paragraphs.
  • The restarting conditions: one may choose if the numbering is continuous (default behaviour) or if it should be restarted in each new document page or section.

Attributes and sub-elements


Key Description
countBy An integer indicating the line number increments to display. If left empty is set to 1.
start An integer indicating which number must be associated with the first line. The default value is 1.
distance An integer indicating the distance, in twentieths of a point, between the number and the associated line. If left empty is dealt automatically by Word.
restart A string that can take the following values:
  • continuous: default value, the numbering does not get restarted anywhere in the document.
  • newPage: the numbering restarts at the beginning of every page.
  • newSection: the numbering restarts at the beginning of every section.
Code samples

Example #1




PHP code

The resulting Word document looks like: