XML API - pdx:watermarkDocx


Inserts a watermark into a Word document.


You are reading the XML API documentation. For the PHP API method please go to watermarkDocx.


Element definition

This element allows you to insert a watermark image or text in a Word document.

Attributes and sub-elements


Path to the Word document.


Path to the resulting watermarked document.


Watermark type: 'text' or 'image'.


Section number.


The possible keys and values are (required options are shown with yellow background):

If type is 'image':

Key Description
image Path to the watermark image.
height Watermark image height in pixels (optional).
width Watermark image width in pixels (optional).
decolorate If true (default) decolorates the image.
gain Optional value to customize decoloration: hexadecimal value.
blacklevel Optional value to customize decoloration: hexadecimal value.
scope Header (default) or footer.
remove_previous_watermarks If true (default) removes previous watermarks.

If type is 'text':

Key Description
text The string of text used for watermarking.
text_orientation Orientation: diagonal (default) or horizontal.
height Watermark text height in pixels (optional).
width Watermark text width in pixels (optional).
font The font-family. If not set defaults to Calibri.
color Hexadecimal value or color name (defaults to silver).
opacity Decimal number between 0 and 1. If not set defaults to 0.5
scope Header (default) or footer.
remove_previous_watermarks If true (default) removes previous watermarks.
Code samples

Example #1




PHP code

The resulting Word document looks like: